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Observing Facilities

Bosscha Observatory

A photo

Educational and research facility of ITB, located at Lembang, West Java, about 15 km northen part of ITB, 1,1310 m above sea level. Bosscha Observatory has main telescopes (Zeiss, Bamberg, Schmidt Bimasakti, GOTO, Unitron, radio telescope), and other instruments such as a microdensitometer, Astrophotometer Eichner, etc. Bosscha Observatory also come with a complete and up-to-date library, a workshop, computer network and internet facilities, lecture hall and reading rooms, and other necessary to conduct astronomical research and support astronomy education. All of these facilities can be used by students in completing their task, including final project, master thesis and dissertation.

You can find the details of the instruments here.

Small Telescope in Main Campus

Computational Facilities

Butuh Komputer yang Lebih Cepat untuk Menjalakan Program Anda?

Terdapat dua fasilitas komputasi yang dapat digunakan bersama oleh civitas akademia Astronomi ITB untuk membantu riset Anda, seperti melakukan pemodelan, simulasi, komputasi numerik yang rumit, dan bahkan untuk melatih kecerdasan buatan. Kedua fasilitas tersebut adalah Perseus Cluster (HPC) dan Workstation#1 yang keduanya ditempatkan di ruang server dan mendukung pekerjaan 24/7.

Perseus Cluster

1 Head and 3 Compute Node @Intel core i7 4 cores 8GB


Head Node

  • Intel Core i7-950 @ 3.07GHz 4 Cores 8 Threads
  • RAM 12 GB DDR3
  • Ubuntu Dekstop 16.04.04 LTS
  • A photo
  • Total User Space (/home): 4 TB
  • Total Share Space (/share): 4 TB

Compute Node

  • Intel Core i7-950 @ 3.07GHz 4 Cores 8 Threads
  • RAM 8 GB DDR3
  • Ubuntu Server 16.04.04 LTS

Perseus Cluster didekasikan untuk pemrograman yang membutuhkan banyak CPU atau Paralel CPU Computing (MPI).


HP Workstation Z640 Series


  • Intel Xeon E5-2620v4 @ 3.50GHz 8 Cores 16 Threads
  • A photo
  • RAM 8 GB DDR4
  • NVIDIA Quadro M2000 4GB
  • Total User Space (/home): 500 GB
  • Total Share Space (/mnt/data): 4TB
  • Ubuntu Dekstop 16.04.04 LTS

Workstation didekasikan untuk pemrograman GPU (Graphics processing unit) atau GPU Computing.

Bagaimana Untuk Memulai?

A photo A photo A photo A photo

Kenali Software atau Package yang Akan Anda Gunakan

Apakah Software atau Package Anda Membutuhkan Dependency Khusus?

Cari Tahu Kebutuhan Komputasi Anda

Apakah CPU-Intensive, Memory-Intensive, I/O Intensive atau GPU-Intensive.

Estimasikan Waktu yang Dibutuhkan untuk Menuntaskan Komputasi Anda

Buatlah perencanaan yang matang, sehingga Anda dapat mengestimasi waktu yang Anda butuhkan.

Daftarkan Akun Anda untuk Mengakses Fasilitasi ini

Isi Formulir Pendaftaran Pengguna dan Pelajari SOP-nya.


A photo

Academic information can be obtained at the university library (also in the form of digital library, department library, and also at the Bosscha Observatory’s library. The library at the Astronomy Study Program and Bosscha Observatory have a collection of books, national and international journals, as well as catalog and map of the stars/galaxies that are complete and constantly updated. To improve the performance of the library, there are also computer and internet facilities so that the latest scientific information through electronic media can be obtained quickly and utilized by students.

Discussion Rooms

A room for undergraduated students, two rooms for master students and, many rooms for doctoral students.